Thursday, 6 July 2017

Matariki Moon Phases

Walt : accurately identify and organise the phases of the moon.

I was able to identify the full moon and new moon but the rest I found a bit tricky and I needed some help.  I learnt that the moon as eight phases and that the are different all over the world.

I think I could learn some more information about the moon and maybe I will look at the moon at night.

Monday, 3 July 2017

Labour Day

Walt : understand passing on message is important so we understand why we celebrate

I was away most of the days and I put the pictures in to the slideshow.  I didn't learn anything about Labour Day

I don't think it is important to celebrate Labour Day.  Maybe I could learn some facts about Labour Day in my spare time.  Passing on messages about celebrations is important because Its a important day because most people celebrate it.